Who am I?

I am a graduate student in computer engineering at NC State. I will be graduating in May 2021. I am looking for a full time position upon graduation to utilize my current skillset and gain new valuable skills.

Where I'm from

I am originally from Monroe, NC which is just outside of Charlotte. I have always had a knack for new technologies and always stayed on the cutting edge. After going to a magnet high school and taking several engineering classes it gave me a background on several different engineerings particularly mechanical, electrical, computer, and civil engineering. At NC State I have taken my passions for technologies and applied them to my major in Computer Engineering learning many valuable skills in topics that I am passionate about.

Outside of the classroom

I am a passionate student giving academics one of the greatest priorities in my life, but who I am outside the classroom is just as important as who I am in the classroom. With my free time I enjoy playing sports, competing in intramural sports and club flag football. I also enjoy lifting weights, traveling, going on adventures, and completing side projects such as this website.


Below you will find several projects that I have completed or am currently working on. Many of these projects have been semester projects in many of my undergraduate and graduate classes and other have been freelance projects in topics I enjoy.

Detailed reports for several of my projects can be found in my google drive or downloadable through links below. If you have any questions or would like more details feel free to reach out to me through email or LinkedIn


Designed g(t) gate for an LSTM using verilog for design and synopsys for verification. Calculations performed in my design were matrix multiplication of a 16x16 matrix by a 16x1, tanh lookup of resultant values, and interpolation on these values for higher accuracy.

Project Report

Touchscreen Display

Interfaced with a FRDM KL25Z board to modify base code to share the ADC between an LED and touchscreen using osMessageQueue and then drawing measured current vs set current on touchscreen at posedge of flash.

Project Report

Optimizing Accelerometer

Interfaced with an accelerometer to optimize its use by a RTCS that before was using blocking code but created a FSM to return control to the scheduler as well as remove all busy loops. Detailed project report showing flowcharts for the design of the FSM as well as I2C communications and timing screenshots showing the benefits of my design can be found at link below.

Project Report

GPS Optical Transceiver

As a group for senior design we were tasked with designing a optical transceiver to reliably communicate GPS signal for drone recovery system used by NAVAIR. The current system is wired and the cable is often broken causing the module on the ground to short and for GPS communications to be lost. My roles included providing the FSK modulation technique to the Tx circuit and designing the mechanical enclosure.

IoT Miniature Car

Designed, built, soldered, and programmed a small car that could be controlled through an IoT module to send directional commands and also be commanded to follow a black line. Programming was done using an IAR Embedded Workbench and the microcontroller used was in the MSP430 family. The coding for the project was completed individaully but the report linked below was completed in groups of 4.

Project Report

MIPS Pipeline

Designed and implemented in C++ a pipeline to handle both integer and floating point instructions for a 5 stage pipeline. This pipeline can handle control hazards, data dependency hazards, and structural hazards. For testing purposes, this design was able to accurately compute the correct number of stalls, cycles, instructions executed, and IPC.

Integer Pipeline Report Floating Point Pipeline Report